Ironic Leap v2.5.4 MacOSX 媒體搜索軟體 英文正式版
Ironic Leap v2.5.4 MacOSX 媒體搜索軟體 英文正式版
Leap 2 has been totally rewritten to use the new industry standard
OpenMeta tag conventions so that you can share tags across
numerous programs. But not only that, Leap 2 has numerous user
interface tweaks and improvements to make tagging, rating and
browsing your files even easier.
With Leap you find things based on your natural memory of that
file. hmm it was a big photoshop file of a basketball court?or
omething I tagged important?or word document somewhere in my
documents folder? With the Finder though, it's more like think
it might be called bball.psd and that I put it in the originals
folder in images in the Project 29 folder which I think I put in
Documents... nope, not there... where did I put it?"
Folders and rigid hierarchies might have made sense back when we
had hundreds of files, but we're now swimming in images, files,
movies and other data. That's where tags come in. Tags are
keywords that you assign to a file. This makes it extremely easy
to find documents, regardless of their location. Why hunt through
an arcane hierarchy of folders and files to find the document we
want? Apple's Finder first came out over 20 years ago and we think
it's time for a new approach to finding, organizing and browsing
your most important documents.
Wikipedia defines serendipity as the effect by which one
accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while
looking for something else entirely.
Leap's ability to quickly browse like documents allow you to
stumble upon not only the file you were looking for but sometimes
an even better one that you weren't looking for. Leap's search
results show up as beautiful, scalable thumbnails that can be
ordered anyway you want.
Use Leap's loupe tool to inspect the document in perfect detail.